Showcase 3: Andi Fischer
Andi Fischer, Krokodil anlocken, 2019
Text by Leopold Weinberg
When I discovered the artist for the first time - a few years ago - at a group exhibition curated by artist Gregor Hildebrandt in Copenhagen (DK), I was immediately hooked. Andi Fischers work seems to me a bit like religion, either you believe in it or you don’t. There is no in between.
Believing in it, I contacted him and got him on the phone. Not knowing each other, we had a very inspiring conversation and a few months later, he came to visit me in Zurich to discuss a potential collaboration. Now that the showcase will become reality, I am curious to see, whether the visitors will become believers, too.
At our showcase in Zurich, he will be showing sculptures, oilstick paintings on canvas and a large series of colour pencil drawings.
Courtesy by the artist and Sies + Höke, Düsseldorf, Film: Benjamin Held
Text by Sies + Höke
Andi Fischer is known for his versatile family of figures and animals, which in snapshots reenact the cycle of nature just as well as cultural stories. Lions, crocodiles, sharks, birds and humans fight with each other, are eaten or reenact scenes by for example Albrecht Dürer as instructions for action. Andi Fischer translates them into his own drawing style, characterized by an energetical stroke, moving between figuration and abstraction. His pictorial language is reminiscent of that of children. Scribbled hatchings, dot faces, stick figures: these are also characteristics of Art Brut. But this apparent childishness is repeatedly abandoned, especially when strokes and entire sections of the picture digress into freedom, when abstractions suddenly emerge. The images are carried by quick, autonomous gestures and come close to Expressionism.
Andi Fischer was born in 1987 in Nuremberg, Germany. He finished his studies at the UdK in Berlin under Thomas Zipp in 2018.
The artist lives and works in Berlin.